Sometimes It’s More Than a Game – Young People’s
Education Programme
Beacon Counselling Trust (BCT) present ‘Sometimes It’s More Than a Game’ an educational programme aiming to prevent young people from experiencing gambling related harms. BCT deliver free workshops for anyone aged 10 to 21 alongside sessions for parents and carers and any professionals working with young people.
This programme helps young people to understand:
what gambling is
the risks of gambling and gaming
the role of advertising, content creators, and influencers
how gambling affects the brain
how to spot gambling harms
the help and support available
Definition of Gambling:
To stake or risk money, or anything of value, on the outcome of something involving chance
Types of Gambling:
Sports Betting
Slot Machines
Loot Boxes
Gambling and the Brain:
When we gamble our brain release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that provides us pleasure, reward and motivation. This release takes place during the anticipation stage of gambling, while we are waiting to see whether we win or lose not when we know the outcome. If we gamble continuously, particularly over short periods of time this can alter the way our brain is wired and form new, potentially harmful habits.
Gambling Related Harms:
Gambling related harms are the adverse impacts gambling can have on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, communities and the wider society.
Impacts of gambling harm:
Finances – Money issues, debt, poverty
Mental Health – Anxiety, Depression, Isolation, Suicidal thoughts